And So the Bounty Begins

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Feeling our European roots on this steaming summer day, Husband and I sat down to a very civilized midday meal.

Pesto penne. Baby eggplant fritters. Parboiled green, yellow and purple beans. Mixed greens with cherry tomatoes and broccoli. A glass of red wine and a baguette.

The grapes, apples and melons are ripening beautifully, the herbs are going crazy, the broccoli was early, it is a bumper year for greens (even with the hot weather) the tomatoes self-seeded and have taken over most beds, and the squash, peas and cucumbers are taking their sweet time. Not quite as much variety as last year but everything seems happy.

I like having a small greengrocer in the backyard.

ps. I even managed to take a little relax in the hammock….