Seven years ago I snapped a photograph of a pair of doors that I fell in love with in New York City. I always carried it with me, hoping to find some of my very own.
Four years ago I built a recessed, open-shelved cabinet in the dining room that never felt quite done.
Two weeks ago I found a pair of sidelights at Balleycanoe that, with a handful of hinges, were destined to fit the cabinet perfectly.
One hour ago I finished the installation and fell in love all over again.

Balleycanoe & Co. in Mallorytown, Ontario is a destination. You are unlikely to stumble across it (I checked my map for the umpteenth time) and it’s not a place to casually pop in and out of. You need time. John Sorensen’s meticulously organized 19th century reclamation treasures and antiques are only part of the attraction. His stories and art are the other. Be prepared to be entertained and delighted.
Here are a few select pics taken in much too short a period of time (see what I mean?). There is SO much to look at I could have shot for hours…