Bedbugs. Say that word in a crowd and watch everyone take two giant steps backwards. While I’ve not experienced a bedbug infestation, I did unknowingly introduce a nasty case of fleas into a friend’s apartment once while travelling overseas. Not good.
Obsessing about bedbugs seems like a terrific way to ruin a holiday. Would you rather know about the potential for bedbugs in a hotel? Or do you think ignorance is bliss? At www.bedbugregistry.com, you have the option to check for bed bug alerts in both hotels and apartments in select cities across North America and Europe.
The Bed Bug Registry is a free, public database of user-submitted bed bug reports from across the United States and Canada. Founded in 2006, the site has collected about 20,000 reports covering 12,000 locations
For help in identifying or treating bedbugs, check out the comprehensive Bedbugger website at http://bedbugger.com/
Sweet dreams!