Ottawa, 1904 Credit: William James Topley / Library and Archives Canada / PA-208448

CurioCabinet: Lord Dundonald’s Servants and Their Pets (1904)
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Ottawa, 1904 Credit: William James Topley / Library and Archives Canada / PA-208448
3 responses to “CurioCabinet: Lord Dundonald’s Servants and Their Pets (1904)”
The above photo of Lord Dundonald’s servants and pets is very precious to me. My great grandparents are picture (ggrandfather stands in back row with bowtie and he is standing beside my grandmother – my ggrandmother is seated directly in front of her husband – my ggrandfather – and another daughter is seated to the right of her mother, my ggrandmother).
Hi Gail –
Thank you for writing. That is AMAZING that this is your family! Had you seen this photo before? Do you have other photos from their time of service to Lord Dundonald? If you are local (Ontario or Quebec) I would be glad to meet you sometime. Please send me an email if this possible.
Kindest, Andrea
Regrettably I have no other photos of my ggrandparents and grandmother’s time while they were in service to Lord Dundonald. Lord Dundonald was dismissed of his duties in 1904 by Laurier (I believe) and sent back to the UK. I suspect my ggrandparents and all the servants returned as well with one exception. My grandmother had married a gentleman named cHARLES Bacon and they eventually moved to Montreal to work for the Jas A. Ogilvy family.
The above photo is a curiosity as there appears to be a cougar sitting calmly amongst them. One of my cousins claims it is a north american cougar. I thought that perhaps it belonged to Lord Dundonald. I’m sure it is stuffed.
Gail Bacon