Tag: backyard

  • Should I Make Backyard Sacrifices?

    Another curious tidbit from the Eighth Wonder of the World. 119 Ministries offers an organized, scripture-based argument answering the common biblical question: Should I, or should I not, make backyard sacrifices?   Great for personal knowledge and to have in your ready-made stash of neighbourly advice. http://vimeo.com/33794856   Read more

  • And So the Bounty Begins


    Feeling our European roots on this steaming summer day, Husband and I sat down to a very civilized midday meal. Pesto penne. Baby eggplant fritters. Parboiled green, yellow and purple beans. Mixed greens with cherry tomatoes and broccoli. A glass of red wine and a baguette. The grapes, apples and melons are ripening beautifully, the… Read more